Home > Leading Alzheimer’s Prevention Study Seeking Volunteers

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Leading Alzheimer’s Prevention Study Seeks Volunteers

We are excited to invite you to participate in this ground-breaking study aimed at reducing the risk of dementia through lifestyle interventions.

What is the study?

The name of the study is AU-ARROW which stands for: AUstralian multidomain Approach to Reduce dementia Risk by prOtecting brain health With lifestyle intervention study

Research has shown that lifestyle modifications can have a significant impact on brain function and reduce the risk of dementia. Your participation is critical in helping us understand this devastating disease and work towards finding a cure.

Who do we need?

We are seeking participants who are 55-79 years old, have a sedentary lifestyle, have an average diet, and have normal memory and thinking abilities.

You could be eligible to participate if you live within easy travel distance from one of our gym locations –

Perth – Carine, Nedlands, South Perth, Willagee and Canning Vale.


Sydney – Chatswood, North Ryde, West Ryde, Hornsby and Castle Hill.

What is involved?

The study will last for two years and involves attending information sessions, undergoing 6-monthly blood tests and memory assessments, and wearing a free Fitbit tracker.

In the study, we will encourage you to adopt some healthy lifestyle changes including regular exercise, and if you are allocated to the intervention group, you will need to commit 5-8 hours a week for all of the lifestyle changes, for the two years of the study.

How can you help?

By registering your details below, our team will be happy to speak with you further about the study and assess your eligibility to participate. We value our research volunteers and appreciate the time and effort you contribute towards advancing our understanding of Alzheimer’s disease.

To learn more about the AU-ARROW study and how to get involved, please contact Dr Samantha Gardener at (08) 6457 0419 or email s.gardener@ecu.edu.au or register your interest for the AU-ARROW study below.

Thank you for your interest in our research and your commitment to helping us make a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

Register your interest for AU ARROW