Christmas is that time of year when families and friends come together to celebrate and make special memories to treasure forever. Sadly, Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are stealing those memories. It can affect anyone. It can affect you or your loved ones, and the impact is enormous.

There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease which is the leading cause of dementia. In 2019, there is an estimated 447,115 Australians living with dementia. We urgently need your help in finding the medical breakthrough we need. Please send your donation to help fund vital research into this disease.

No family should have to endure the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s disease. It slowly and significantly impacts memory, intellect, reasoning, social skills and physical functioning. It destroys who you are. It is how one million Australians will be spending their golden years by 2050 without a significant medical breakthrough.
Please help make a future without Alzheimer’s disease a reality. For you, your children, and your grandchildren. Your gift this Christmas will help fight for memories.

If you are able to make a tax deductible donation to help fund vital Alzheimer’s disease research it would be greatly appreciated.

Donations can be made by visiting or by calling (08) 6457 0253 where one of our friendly representatives will be able to assist you. 


Paul and Pauline’s Story

Paul and his family will be spending their first Christmas without their beloved wife and mother Pauline, who lost her battle with Alzheimer’s disease earlier this year.

Paul and Pauline were born one day apart on opposite sides of the world. They met at the Eaglehawk Swimming Pool in Bendigo, Victoria, aged 13 and had been together ever since. They were married for 58 years and have four children, seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Approximately four years ago Pauline started to change from the wonderful easygoing lady that she was, to having memory lapses and getting quite upset about not much at all. One year later she backed the car out of the driveway then stopped and walked back inside and asked Paul which way she goes to the shops. Paul had to tell Pauline that she would no longer be able to drive, but Paul was unprepared for Pauline’s reaction which included some rather bad language and threatening to go to the police station to have him arrested!

Paul and Pauline were meant to enjoy a long life together culminating in a well earned retirement.

Paul found it so hard that a lovely gentle polite lady could turn into something very different. Pauline’s behaviour seemed to change very rapidly which included packing bags and walking out of the house at 2am to visit her mum and dad (both deceased) to ask them to take her home.Paul would take Pauline to her many doctor appointments but sometimes she wouldn’t want to go with him, insisting that she was waiting for ‘Paul’ and would only go with him. These things could happen once, many times in a day or not at all. Paul found it amazing that Pauline could still play Bingo without a problem, even though she thought she was back at the Eaglehawk Town Hall and not in Wanneroo. He thinks Bingo must have been in ‘there’ forever.Paul eventually came to the conclusion that you can love someone too much, and you end up leaving respite and residential care applications longer than you should, which he feels in the long term does no one any good.

When Pauline starting losing weight, the family were informed that this can often happen to people suffering Alzheimer’s disease. Sadly, after further investigation Pauline was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

The family did everything possible to ensure that their darling Pauline was well cared for and as happy as possible.

This Christmas will be the first for Paul without Pauline, a time of the year Pauline enjoyed very much.

But it will be a time to reflect on their many happy memories together, since meeting at aged 13 at the Eaglehawk Swimming Pool. Dementia is now the second leading cause of death in Australia. Until we find a cure or a way to prevent this disease, many Australians will continue to be sadly touched by this insidious disease.

This Christmas we’re reaching out to you, to ask if you can help our vital research so we can all look forward to a better future without Alzheimer’s disease.


By donating to Alzheimer’s disease research you’re helping make this a reality.